About Growing Up Backwoods Southern

"Baby Boomer" author and newspaper publisher Philip Burrow takes a heartfelt, and sometimes painful, nostalgic look at being raised in the 50's by his grandparents at a small, backwoods farm in rural North Carolina. In this first-person account, he also delves into the life and family pottery business of his great-grandfather, William Henry Chriscoe, one of the early potters of the modern day Pottery Mecca of Seagrove, NC. Many nostalgic photos of the Chriscoe family are included, some dating back to the early 1900's. 

You will enjoy this book if:
- You fondly remember your aging grandparents, great-uncles, and great-aunts
- You were raised by grandparents or someone other than your parents
- You like reading of a time when life was slower
- You grew up on a small farm
- You grew up in the country
- You like reading about the "Good old days"
- You suffered abuse as a child
- You are a parent considering divorce
- You are interested in living off the land
- You are an "Old-time" Southerner
- You appreciate the "Self-sufficiency" lifestyle
- You are interested in early North Carolina pottery
- You've never shucked a bushel of corn
- You've never raised chickens
- You've never castrated a pig
- You've never sat on an outdoor privy seat and gotten a cold butt in freezing weather
- You've never had the run of a home and farm with goats, mules, cows, dogs, cats, kids, and other grand-kids -- a trusting home where relatives and farm neighbors popped in unannounced almost daily by just opening a generally unlocked door.

Being raised by grandparents of another generation was an experience to never be forgotten, according to the author. But sometimes being shuffled back and forth between a mother and grandparents was painful and fraught with mixed emotions and feelings. Nevertheless, to have had "a foot in two generations," was a privilege today savored by the author.

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About Philip Burrow

Philip Burrow


I'm a former newspaper reporter, advertising salesman, and specialty newspaper publisher (antiques) turned book writer. Words and I have a history, and we've been on and off, hot and cold. We've had break-ups and make-ups. During all this, I've lived in Seagrove, Wilmington, Robbins, Raleigh, and Greensboro, all North Carolina towns, in that order. Then, being still young and dumb, and feeling practically invincible, I tried Richmond, VA, Phoenix, AZ, and Hot Lanta, Georgia, called Atlanta by some folks. Now, I've landed in Florida, close to a mouse with big ears.

I will read most any book EXCEPT fiction, including encyclopedias and dictionaries (well, a page or two every few years). That's a pity because multitudes love fiction and it's where the big money is, and I should be reading it to learn how to write it. That's okay, though, because enough money is enough when you really think about it.

Biographies, adventure stories, how-tos, histories, and art books stay the longest in my forever evolving bookcases scattered through most every room in my home. I have a dozen bookcases of all varieties and size; a couple came from big box office supply stores but most came from local thrift shops, which I haunt weekly in search of old and rare books. 

I have lost and regained the same ten to fifteen pounds at least a dozen times during my life. I made a resolution to stop drinking coffee on April 15, 2009, and have not had one cup since. Of course, I took up with green tea soon thereafter and now drink five or six cups of the stuff every day. I have a cat named Fraidycat who I believe was a human in an earlier existence.

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