About Fraidy

"Fraidy, True Stories from a Sassy Cat" is the story of a yellow Tabby cat that came up the hard way, thrown out at an early age and forced to fend for herself on a busy city street. Bedding down in tall grass beside a big garage during daylight hours, she came out at night to catch crickets, frogs, moths, and such for her daily rations. Such table fare proved barely enough for survival and she soon became emaciated and rail thin.

One day, a kind and gentle woman near the big garage caught a fleeting glimpse of her at dusk one day and called to her. It was to no avail. The gaunt cat quickly dashed out of sight behind a corner of the garage. She was fearful of any human contact, vividly remembering her earlier abuse. The kind woman, being an animal lover, and having a soft spot in her heart for abandoned cats in particular, began a mission to befriend and help the fearful and emaciated yellow cat.

The telling of this rescue story and the later human/cat love story that evolved is the tale told in this book. The fearful, skinny yellow cat was to become healthy, confident, and downright sassy at times! Sometimes good things happen in life!

Fraidycat, AKA Fraidy for short, developed a close communication bond with the man who became her male peep, so earned the right to have her story told in her own voice and from her perspective. The stories span a fifteen-year time period. The story is unlike most cat stories, being told in the voice of Fraidy and from her viewpoint. "Even if you don't like my stories, you can still make good use of the included blank Multi-Cat Diary," Fraidy explains.

The book also offers cat owners an easy-to-use diary to record their pet's birth and health records, "special moments," and other milestones. "It's 2-Products-in-One, really," says Fraidy.  "Like when I do my 'Flipsey-Doodle' move to amuse and delight my peeps, who I nicknamed 'Bossman' and 'Bosslady' during one of my extra sassy moments. Ha!" 

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About Philip Burrow

Philip Burrow


I'm a former newspaper reporter, advertising salesman, and specialty newspaper publisher (antiques) turned book writer. Words and I have a history, and we've been on and off, hot and cold. We've had break-ups and make-ups. During all this, I've lived in Seagrove, Wilmington, Robbins, Raleigh, and Greensboro, all North Carolina towns, in that order. Then, being still young and dumb, and feeling practically invincible, I tried Richmond, VA, Phoenix, AZ, and Hot Lanta, Georgia, called Atlanta by some folks. Now, I've landed in Florida, close to a mouse with big ears.

I will read most any book EXCEPT fiction, including encyclopedias and dictionaries (well, a page or two every few years). That's a pity because multitudes love fiction and it's where the big money is, and I should be reading it to learn how to write it. That's okay, though, because enough money is enough when you really think about it.

Biographies, adventure stories, how-tos, histories, and art books stay the longest in my forever evolving bookcases scattered through most every room in my home. I have a dozen bookcases of all varieties and size; a couple came from big box office supply stores but most came from local thrift shops, which I haunt weekly in search of old and rare books. 

I have lost and regained the same ten to fifteen pounds at least a dozen times during my life. I made a resolution to stop drinking coffee on April 15, 2009, and have not had one cup since. Of course, I took up with green tea soon thereafter and now drink five or six cups of the stuff every day. I have a cat named Fraidycat who I believe was a human in an earlier existence.

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