In this episode, Harold gets called to Leningrad Russia to meet up with a Russian Oligarch named Levushka Nikolaev. The Oligarch has purchased a Uranium Mine in Argentina and is developing weapons grade Uranium for a buyer in Tehran, Iran, named “Mustafa”. Word gets back to the Oligarch that Mustafa plans to steal the shipment and kill everyone tied to the Uranium…... but his plan backfires. Levushka located another buyer after he sets up a plan to kill Mustafa and foil his attempt to steal the shipment. One thing Harold knows…. The Uranium cannot fall into the hands of America’s enemies, no matter the cost. Will he succeed? Will he and his friends survive? Find out the outcome, as Harold and his friends put a plan of their own into action!

Published Date: 2023-05-01


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About Dr. Hal Bradley, DD.

Dr. Hal Bradley, DD.


Dr. Bradley's unique life began in a small village in central Mexico in 1969. At age 15, he became exposed to the local Cartel in that region only to return after serving in the U.S. Army and discharging in 1974 to begin his career as a smuggler and later a distributor in the Pacific Northwest. A time came to get out and after the agreement was betrayed by the Cartel Dr Bradley walked into the Asst. U.S. Attorney's office and offered to take the P. N.W. faction down. Facing prison and death did not deter him from the mission he agreed to... Sentenced to 8 years in prison, he was released 4 years early to become a contractor for various agencies under the DOJ. 17 years... Numerous missions in foreign countries.. Kidnapped.. Survived a kill order
.. Framed.. And during all of this completing seminary and received formal Ordination in 1999. 

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