About 480 Codorus Street Book 1

In the 1940's, 1950's and the 1960's men ruled their homes in a much different way than they do today. Domestic violence and marital issues arose often.  The police stayed clear of a man's home.   If they were called to a home, not very much happened to the perpetrator. Because they believed "A man's Home Was his castle" and he owned everyone and everything In it.  Sandra grew up along with her six siblings witnessing the devastation of the domestic violence in their home. Sandra vowed to never fall victim to the abuse she witnessed as a child. Sandra broke that vow as she fell victim and experienced the same things she witnessed as a child on Codorus Street.

In this book, Sandra shares her hidden scars with the reader.  She looks back and reflects upon her life, and the assumptions she made about her life and her family. How does one draw the line between punishment and abuse, forgiveness and mercy, justice and fairness? Sandra's struggle to forgive her father is overwhelming to the point that when she hears his name, her anger comes to the forefront of her deepest mental and psychological memories, which forces her to relive the past abuse that happened at 480 Codorus Street in York, Pennsylvania in those days past.

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About Sandra L. Kearse-Stockton

Sandra L. Kearse-Stockton


Sandra was born in the 1940s, she hails from York, Pennsylvania, and is the author of the book Trilogy, ‘480 Codorus Street, “Surviving Unpredictability” and , “Trials and Tribulations”, “and "Endurance” This trilogy covers the challenges her years of life from 1968 – 1988. Sandra's continued ability to survive unpredictability is unwavering. This is a true mental collage of a 19-year-old widowed black girl with four children, finding her way through life's twists and turns. Sandra opens up the doorway to her life for all to see and learn with the hope that her story will encourage others to continue to meet and greet their challenges head-on and win. She hopes to influence her readers to participate in their success stories. Sandra is interactive on many social media platforms and is listed on many search engines including but not limited to, Google. This book speaks to the trials and tribulations of making a blended family survive.  Her message evokes pleasant and unpleasant memories that you will feel in her voice. Sandra will encourage you to find your voice as she eventually did.

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480 Codorus Street Book 1 in the media. Airdate: 2022-05-01

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