The Composers

July 29, 2016Categories: Philosophical Concepts,

Reasons are stacked against people who do not want to play the game. Intentions were labeled positive or negative with a duality of exchange based on game performance and loyalty to the ruler. The King’s court had snitches everywhere, two-faced players playing the top against the bottom and the middle, just as we have now.

We are governed by forces we cannot begin to comprehend let alone control. We are by-products of this systemic endemic seed that came from the original sense offense memory made mind of the imperial past. The genetic seed now holds the last reason held [energy code differentials] in bio-lock-down. Only by opening our bio-energy encoded total recall can we allow our passive natures to become evident. We reach knowing by being able to let go of the want to stay safe in an airless icon vacuum. When we arrive in the expected new place we will easily relearn and re-adapt to old simpler ways. Fear of the unknown is not our problem; sloth and avarice of our reasons are.

For over 100,000 years language and communication were accomplished with displays of facial looks and piercing glances that were known throughout the extended family and tribal unit. In those cultures, children learned to respect the senses as apprentices. To communicate was to demonstrate mind and body language. Imagine what we can accomplish with real living communication when we open to it.

Do you think your pretend god is better than any other pretend god? The only true god is our own biology as we were told we were made in the image of our creator. No artificial beliefs are necessary. If your god is your bio-genesis, then your god is better than any other made-up god. If you only follow and do not question why are you seen as a good and faithful social member? If agreement is good for society, why was each individual given their own mind? You were not created as a sheep or a lemming – but as a human being in the image of god [creative being-ness]! Act like a human being or wander with your head down and become lost or follow another symbols covert over a cliff into symbol’s abyss.

Omega uses fear as a human sense deterrent. The symbol became animated to the extent that it replaced feeling as our life mover. Genesis energy is in retrograde world-wide. Our binary neural decrepitude depends on being subject to the all or nothing mistakes that empower the coercive fear of the befuddled minions. Imagine you give others permission to make you a slave as long as you are paid well to allow it. Our jobs are sin; our labors are evil. We are all addicted symbols junkies and our psychological high is symbols gaming with win-lose all or nothing rules. It is a highly organized scam. Imagine how many professional players it takes to keep it going. If we are or-else creatures our eminent future is abomination of desolation.

The symbols convert then and now became both symbols slaves and icon slave masters. Clever little apes that we are, we devised a 2-D systemic job program that gave the symbols convert a 3-D role in making sure no human being could ever get out of or question the accredited symbols maze and its great binary memory programming. Men and women now take great pride in their paid parts and roles in the great systemic blame game.

Remember to say this and do that and you can become an MD. People can come to you with their money. Problems are merely products that can be processed for profit. The man in the white coat cannot cure the source of the ongoing dis-ease of the agreement process, because his credentials depend on the agreements being processed. Our doctors cannot cure what they themselves are inflicted with. The unknowing patient pays to receive more ear/eye binary word infection programming. Medicine is the new economic gerbil wheel. Of course we do not see that, instead we see want we want to see, a community of righteous people who are all doing their job. Making sure people think they are getting healthier and holier and smarter and safer is a perpetual propaganda campaign of fear backed promises that keep people trusting the game.

The bio-brain’s passive information system is a non-symbolic and non-iconic encoded tridimensional life bio-sense extrapolation. It is constantly editing our symbols and what they are doing to our passive sense matrix. We can feel this as a doubt filled realm as the active genesis mover moves us to question all “pretend” icon conversions.

Only doubt gives rise to original thought. The icon converts, those educated to ensure our binary mono-aphasia genesis sabotage works well, do not doubt the game at all.

The icon mind-shift made men obey the icon game rules for rewards from the processing systems of organized religion and government. Agreement processing of human beings instituted a means of slavery in the new America. Break the will and demean feeling and what you have is a willing slave. Do this or else. Play the game.

The historic Jesus warned us away from adherence to familial habitual madness. If we had heeded his message, these journals and others like it would not need to exist today. Why? Because some evolved and most did not, therefore the need to question is pressing us right now. Individualism matters to Genesis [god sense]. By law it does not matter at all.

The brain, under symbols confluence, is operating far below the capacity our working bio-genesis set for it. Our epigenetic profile and medical history says we are not very far from another serious long-term endemic illness resulting in uncontrollable rage, unprovoked violence, mass murders and self-suicide at the behest of self-righteous imperial killers. Look how puffed up everyone is on their symbols. When our commercial grade reason becomes “sense-less” and begins to fail it shows itself as nothing more than an excuse. War is inevitable. All war is based on the pretense of imperative reason. Because everything is about the superiority of symbols, the empowered agents rise to ever higher levels of ignorant persuasion. Evil is an expensive operation.

Original sin can be viewed as the agreement to play superfluous roles and act out egregious parts in the game. Evil is the processing and de-meaning of human beings unwilling to play. To make human beings into psycho-chaff is the job of the uniformed icon institutional propaganda machine. The agents of the machine see feelings as unnecessary appendages.

Do you feel free or do you feel enslaved? The parody of the devil lives in the binary symbols memory of all human beings today in one form or another. We are made to exist as abstract aphasic pledges to an empowered eye-conned entity.

The word “meaning” is an academic whore. When will the common man realize he has been tricked and conned by his own eyes and ears to play a masked bandit game? The same idols worshipers that slaughtered Christ left an epigenetic trail in the petty pawns, cronies and believers who do not ask the questions because their deception runs too deep. Together they double team the free thinking man as not being a good, obedient player. The game non-player [outsider] must then be medicated and treated as an imperfection in society.

Systemic insanity followed en masse as the human species fell victim to its own pretending advent reality. The inhuman slave is a believer in his made up name game and icon prohibition protocols. All symbols serve a demeaning process to other existing symbols. Symbols are psychological quicksand; they will take everyone down.

Think about the implication of the words “yes and no.” Today the word “yes” is implied and assumed if you say nothing, meaning, silence means YES and agreement with the new rule they made up for you. Now “no” must be in writing and it only counts if you write the no on a deemed official piece of paper and if the right authorized person gets the paper delivered by a certified carrier. Even then, your voice is a fly speck in the legal time warp.

By the social mass of peer pressure we are forced to participate. The hive mind is not about nurturing human beings at all but about controlling and debasing them to play harder. All promotional causes are regulated and legalized for fixed binary memory mindset. We give “all or nothing” authority to the best sense-less players. Lack of personal freedom and choice is the Omega’s bread and butter. As people bow down, the job of the willing icon converts is to assign, ensure and maintain empowered psychological rights in exchange for their mind being turned into a singular memory programming device.

The maintenance of the bio-systemic disorder depends on a payment plan. Symbols invoke binary extremes and play them against each other removing the original path to the desired golden means. The golden mean is feeling direct knowing and it is already within us. It is the gut, the middle, without extremes.

What was the beginning of organized politics and organized religion was also the setting and the beginning of the psycho mind game that resulted in the murder of the biblical Christ. Was murder necessary? No sane man has an agenda that includes murder.

Throughout this reading, The Guarded Hearts Journals will explain this insane biological thread. The mover in us, the feeling direct knowing we all share, will not be compromised by any person, place or thing. Intent willingly carries insanity of unnatural doing with biological repercussions intact. Our lexicon is flawed and our morphology is in error. Our noun confident realm is closing in on us rapidly and we need to wake up from the biological icon virus it created. Bio-stasis came to us in the arcane symbols realm as a pretender, a charlatan.

The entire world is under an evil mental siege, incapacitated by the viral drug known as sense deprivation. How many Omega mind gamers would sanction murder under the auspices of their empowered right? Self-hatred breeds insanity and is rife with delusion. Can the same not be said about words and the people who would kill for them? Your freedom is doled out to you according to the paranoia of a few empowered people who are schooled in idiom rank and intimidation. How easily they do what they do to the little people’s subjugated binary mindset. One rank belittles the one beneath it all the way to the bottom. It is expected. When we were young and vulnerable we were inoculated with symbols, the sense inhibiting virus. You do have a passive direct knowing feeling even if you choose not to use it. Cause and effect records are being kept by your inner guardian. If you choose not to use your passive self-awareness guide a virile sorrow takes over your mind. The Strain of the Omega’s weight will bring about the end of the human race.

Vision has to see itself before it can sustain this earth with caring and gentility. The wolves are not dressed in sheep’s clothing; the wolves are wearing uniforms and robes and hats and stripes. The sheep are easy to find; they are the ones always lost or entangled in some kind of impenetrable psychological bramble.

The living truth is moving through us on a river of question. The bodies of our innocent children are being drugged by professional drug dealers called doctors who see profit in human misery while paying homage to the icon viral disorder itself. These hypocrites are ruling the planet. Their paychecks increase as our freedoms decrease. Can we understand the details enough to change the rules of the game?

In biological fact we are under the binary bio-spell of a symbolic viral epidemic. This is also deemed to be “the new gray age.” Our eyes are glazed over and our ears are plugged by pride and arrogance. We are automatons improvising symbols for exclusive terminal human degradation. We are in a Mononomeric Differential relapse! The brain ceases to function as it was designed to do by genesis protective sense coefficients. That is why fear is the enemy. We are being set-up for another bio-stigma created Icon Inquisition.

No species on earth except for human beings entertain suicide. Why? Is it hopelessness or mental slavery? The trick is being played on the people who believe in their symbols.

Human beings are in a bio-stasis endemic free-fall. For more than 3,000 years’ people over the world have been made to be a part of this heady systemic game of masked divisiveness. We feel the scream but have no voice to express it. Real love and caring are not necessary to the omega strain only an agreement to live the lie and worship the legacy.

Biologically, a careful selection of energy compliant codes will bring Omega down. People are waking up to symbols trickery. Counterfeit AI programming causes your body to not FEEL at all. Imagine evil can rule so easily over innocence.

We live in an enigmatic idiom shell game. New laws are being written to upgrade the constant denigration of human rights for the so-called “good of the people.” When the rules supersede the real, rebellion is inevitable if cooperation and obedience come only by force.

A smothering amount of taxation will be placed on the little people to pay the high cost of fear control and the management of the ignorant people. This is government paid for by the people but not “for” the people. We can barely support the iconic head of the Omega Strain as it is. Fear will be sold to the highest bidder for strategical subjugation to make it look like all is well. The door out of this maze is only available to genuine genesis seeking beings. Superior representatives from all walks of life, who will not be empowered in any way, are coming who will raise their voices in a harmonic unity. They will change the world. That is how you will know them. They will listen, feel and question! They will not need, ask for or assume power, rank, hat or mask. Their needs will be taken care of out of gratitude not oppression or intimidation.

Genesis made you, and everyone else, whole. Play with parts of the whole and it will trap you in a certifiable delusion and systematic bio-stigma insanity. Genesis favors no man over another but the feeling child placed within. That feeling child will grow and protect you just as the lioness will protect her infant cub. Genesis is watching over you always. The man who has the most will also have the least, biologically. Those who have the most to lose on the outside will be the first to die from the inside out.

God’s voice is the total recall child that speaks loud and clear in all of us through the accumulated feelings associated with consistently being moved. The genesis of your direct passive whole sense knowing is exact in every way. If sixth sense is open and so is your total passive life recall you can read between the lines and your feelings will be inserted back into the life energy flow. You will know when you reach this very guarded realm. You will become serene and thoughtful, gentle and motivated to care. People will not know you as expected. In you the composer will open the bio-artesian creative well and the waters of life will flow out of you and into others. You will never go back to icon conversions of the AI game roles. To do so would be unfathomable.

Once you know you know, you are free to choose not to be subject to the Omega Strain. What will that mean to you? No more contract hate, contract love, sanctioned right or assigned guilt. The game will be over. Any blame you will cosign will be an obstacle. Those are shell games you no longer have to play. You will see it clearly. Do not be afraid for bio-fear will now be your best friend. Just remember hate carries guilt and guilt carries fear. Try assigning guilt to those who will not hate or will not fear. Does a judge feel his sin? Oh yes, even if guarded, he knows his error. His Genesis tells him all it knows. All man-made fear coming at you will be chewed up and spit out. Be patient. Do, be and rest repeatedly until all is calm inside of you.

The genetic brain is in icon/idol denigration. Decade after decade the brain has to deal with made-up demoralizing tags and labels pretense. Because of that, generation after generation, the icon systemic disorder is passed on. Do people know what is actually going on? Not in the least, but they feel something strange. Why do we process human beings? Take a guess if you think you know something. Think about this. Would it be logical to assume that those who say you can own another person, such as a wife, might also own you?

When the artificial word became God the human brain began to fragment. It was reciprocity in Paradox or R.I.P. The eyes and the ears were infected with empowered holy and empowered edict terms and codified by counter worship abatements. The conditions were set for an already befuddled en masse delusional state of mind that would promote the advent reality of our AI man-made insanity. We are devolving mentally rather than evolving. The psychotic trap is deep and dark. We are all being made to suffer the loss of human feeling direct knowing. That is a biological point of fact and is part of a world-wide enveloping systemic disorder. It begins as symbol hate and ends with having to destroy the converts who carry the geo-stigma.

You do not realize you have a disease until you begin to feel ill but that is not when the dis-ease began. You have been sick for many years, icon constipated. True health cannot be maintained as the rules of the game require you wear a label and wear a mask within a year of your birth.

Read More Like This in Guarded Hearts Vol II: The Abyss

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