Blame as a Commodity

July 29, 2016Categories: Philosophical Concepts,

Blame and hatred are commercial commodities. If you cannot speak out, you are afraid and if you are afraid you cannot trust your own Genesis being. Law, by rule, wants to make sure you do not trust your inner sense. Law makes hate look impersonal but in bio-fact it is personal because you cannot hate another without hating yourself first. Self-hate will separate you from your very own bio-energy encoded mover that could otherwise easily move you out of the systemic disorder. Let’s find out how we can awaken from this topical sin infested man-made eye-conned memory madness. Ask the first question. What makes us hate in the first place, ourselves and others? What is a “bad” feeling other than a feeling you cannot put your finger on or figure out the source of? Reach beyond the reactive habits you now live with. Do not run from serious questions. Face them head on.

Our fear makes the Omega Strain who they are to us. By you agreeing with them you make them strong. Stop agreeing and watch the taller people with the masks shrink in size and stature or roar up to a bigger false authority. Wake up and you will continue to be marveled by your own enlightenment. The light of the living truth will again rejoin the passive self within you and your entire feeling matrix will remain open. As soon as serenity is finally reinstated in your begin-ness, your sixth sense will fall in love with the inner self. Your doing and being will connect and make sense to you. Your inner and outer self will be rejoined. All you need is sincere caring; your integrity depends upon it.

It is up to you to recognize the leveraged man is a man officially schooled in icon/symbols idiom. Your fears are your sins. We will explain why and how this came to be.

A healthy human morality for the common good of society will not come from making more demeaning laws that take away personal freedom. When all the doors are closed to anyone not able to pay the tax, the penal game becomes a “con.” Things done for you “for your increased safety” or “for your own good” generally do neither.

An Imperial Inquisition is bubbling up through the devolutionary Omega icon conversion swamp. The long-term political/religious psychotic rule [the icon conversion icon dam in our heads] is its own self-deception called inverse fear provocation. Binary subjugator fear is applied to everyone. It must be noted here-to-for that a nasty psychological de-meaning mind game, the trap, is being set worldwide for absolute empowered icon/symbols tagging. Mankind is further being reduced to a stigmatic product. If we are consumers, then we are being fed what for consumption? Fear and symbolic propaganda!

Government scientists are already experimenting on animals for total biological brain reduction and desensitizing to eradicate any self-protective survival instinct. They actually come right out and say exactly that. Organic life protection is being sabotaged. This is a known and very alarming fact that we need to address immediately because animal experiments are not for the understanding of animals but for the control over human beings! As people wake up, new artificial means [all hi-tech electrical divisive mechanics and drugs] must be on hand to put them back into binary aphasic sleep.

The five sense matrix gives us the long-term ability to feel and directly know both the innate and the material realm. Icon propositions for empowered inclination impairs bio-genesis fulfillment. For the health of the organic being choice must be unlimited and must be self-determined. How do we wake up, just ask, it is that simple? What will be difficult is that the false symbolic you will struggle to keep its hold on your sound-sight-made binary mind. Fear, the enemy, lives within and it is terrifying if you do not grasp and comprehend the delusion of symbols replications. The human soul, in bio-genesis, directly knows the material world. Therefore, our own soul is uneasy by our obedience to symbols. That is our first error.

What man calls the “bi-polar syndrome” is not a god fault but a man-made failsafe to all the academic jobs supporting the systemic endemic icon corpus juris. It is actually the riddle you must solve before you can ask genesis to absolve you of your sin of icon worship.

When overriding rage and biological psychotic-shock awakens man the hard way from the epigenetic imperial aphasia sleep, we will be cursed with question. No one should have the power to control another person’s reality.

We are waking up and the future is now. What is the motor of this world made of? Pure implication! Your job which requires you to be a watcher over the watchers can no longer hide the symbols hierarchy. The moochers you work for, who enslave you by your devotion to a choice less and voiceless realm, actually promote the endemic systemic disorder. All energy converted passive data is tridimensional and supports an emotional central voice realm that returns to the original organic source of the genesis maker as it was designed to do – to in-lighten. When you are moved to see you will see it all. There is no half way about it, no maybe or might be. Until then a symbols purging process must take place to free the passive brain that is objectively under the auspices of the subjective will. We can all feel we are in a very beleaguered systemic state and set in some kind of stasis devoid of the overall ability to identify the biological fact which is felt yet not clearly distinguishable or understood. More and more people are waking up to the fact something is very wrong. Soon they will realize the problem is the symbols they have been forced to ingest. Word worship of their noun symbols is pure internal fakery.

The Omega strain is very protective of their AI icon propagations. The forgery of their static power over genesis needs brute force so they must retaliate by making more rules under the ruse of increased safety. People are backed against the wall by the new buzz word “terrorist.” It is pure fear rigging. We need to understand the so-called origin of original sin and examine it closely. You have neglected your feeling direct knowing and have allowed others to control you. The symbols converts convinced you, by agreed doing, to be afraid because you did not make your own biological feelings clear and that was self-neglect for the prize defined. Bio-fear is the central voice being pushed to the extreme by idols worship. When fear subsides, symbols idolizing also ceases. Sense fracture is the equivalent of the sin of symbols label processing. That is the true nature of sin. Pay attention to this as it is so important to your spiritual growth.

Omega strain is set in symbols manipulation and mind trickery. Omega ruse cannot have power over you as an artificial ploy once you begin to see and hear what they say by intent and understand why they say it. What they say is a blatant icon processing lie to make you, force you if need be, to join process and be processed by symbols tagging allotments. Label assignment is just their job. The outside world is controlling the artificial realm made up of words.

To raise the antecedent of bad to an artificial iconic good, a false good proffered by a fine based prompting must occur. The Omega strain uses and depends on and lives on human energy, leaching their labors and their fears. Do you not believe the icon converts, the symbols worshippers, are the same biblical sinners that were in power during the time of Christ? They play the very same dangerous and evil games today as they did then.

Can you denounce quickly what you are reading which came from centuries of wise human beings feelings? This work contains more than 1,000 studies in five fields. If you can denounce this work, you must welcome the biological neural decrepitude dullness you live with and suffer the impending consequences. Are you ready to be judged by those who you have labeled for position deception profiteering and icon empowerment? How would the criminal judge the judge if the roles were reversed? Can you sleep with one eye open? The barking dogs are at the gate.

If you get this, genesis is speaking to you directly and the rest will be very easy to comprehend. All you have to do is declare it, and share it and it is done for all time. Go in peace and fear not as you are never alone. The socio-economic game will go downhill fast once the players see the injustice built into the game. Fear can back human beings against their own walls but not anymore once you know your strength is not dependent upon a thug or a gun. Many human beings can feel the strain, can now see the counterfeit Omega reign readily and you can now approach the synthetic reality of the Omega strain.

The questions they cannot answer have to do directly with putting the human species in an icon maze for product molding and processing humans for empowered rights payment. The color of law is no longer psychologically fit to rule over humanity.

Paper copy profiling is for increased authorized permission refusal whereby all tax and fines therewith constantly go to the upper echelon players. Look up to see where your hard earned dollars are going. We are the machines we made to govern us with precision and outstanding psychological craftsmanship. Omega is a super gregarious fear monger. Such mind baffling credulity and encoded rights ensure hell on earth if we keep going as we are.

The blank look in people’s “blue screen glazed over eyes” tells us of the blatant truth of our symbolic obsession and worship. Who wins and who cannot win is our icon trademark for a worshiped bias heaven. Agreed players assume vicarious roles cheering for the acceptable sins of all the believers in icon conversion. Agree or not, we agree to agree by saying nothing; agreement in and off itself is a subliminal truth of our pathetic acceptance of more and more rules and edicts. It is, by law, anyone’s right to enslave as long as there is no complaint.

Your biological fear is a dire warning of a dismissed central voice direct knowing. Law easily transforms our dismissed real fear into to an unwanted annoyance. Our systemic icon disorder develops a sense depression that doctors treat with drugs to keep people thinking they are happy while on the systems make-think processing treadmill. All sacrilegious rule demands the payment of psychological binary verb conjugation. This feeling knowing data backup system is full of dynamic sense links. Abstract methodology, is actually a mentally devolved state caused by long-term iconic use. A latent belief syndrome is the motive structure and is the energy set in an inverted symbols convolution.

The authorized term based system, the little man does not have access to, determines who is empowered and for what reasons and it is deliberate genesis sabotage. The major problem includes the misuse of innocent genius not tied directly to the systemic disorder but made to be implicated once inside the icon boundary that is terminally closed.

The evil urges to kill and destroy arise out of icon lust. A man is naked in his truth until symbols dress him up. Symbols forge an alliance in a psychotic strain of icon believers. The worship of tags mystifies, captivates and consumes the tiny frontal minds of the ear-conned, eye-conned little men who become the active symbols political subdivide. To go biologically convulsive, feeling direct knowing must be eradicated. This is the goal of the Omega cult. No will and no choice results in no way to get to our passive data stream floating as it disallows and blocks the innate biological human will. The human will is pointless if no choice is available. What is left is befuddlement, a neural shock and awe to the brain’s natural Genesis function. Binary terms are decoys to the actual cause resulting in neural decrepitude from symbols brainwashing. Here we are face to face with what could possibly be the very solution to the perplexing human condition. We are yet to understand this fully.

This next paragraph is but one good example of our binary ruler-based history in the hands of the Omega Strain [the icon converted believers in absolute authority]. The eventual use of the atomic bomb that obliterated millions of innocent people was an example of a shock and awe methodology of using men own biologically generated fear against him.

    Robert Oppenheimer, father of the atomic bomb, made very clear his disdain for the use of atomic fusion. He said, “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds!” Why did he say that? It was because his hands were tied once the Omega Strain took over. He was helpless and had no more voice, hope or faith. Later he disappeared into the annals of our mindless historical paradigm of binary aphasic symbols ordained lies. Do we know what is going on beneath the mask?

Once our will to choose is handed over to the Omegas in fear, that fear becomes a method of subjugation and worship. The bio-fear is thus immediately relabeled as an enemy by the crooks we know as social and moral tag applicators. Then, to add insult to injury, we believe the lie. Shame on all of us as willing genesis saboteurs! Imagine how long our biological fears have been turned into commercial psycho-babble JOBS. Imagine the side effects that have created the derogatory forgery of AI usury.

If you are even partially awake you have a sense of what is being said here. Share the feeling. If you feel you are fully awake utilize the passive data in your innate organic being to understand more fully what is being said herein.

If we are seriously looking and listening, we soon realize the foul play embedded in the making of a world-wide systemic endemic brain dysfunction. What is taught in a college of higher learning is jargon conviction which had to be authorized by the king-state.

Bio-fear is our sense warning, a tool god used to make us stop, look and listen. Omega man uses personal fear as a Mononomeric sense wedge. There is no real genesis growth without some kind of personal pain and awareness suffering. Going back in time to where feeling was dismissed as a state of being is painful. It hurt the author deeply to have to feel all of this and then be put in a very uncomfortable position of feeling obligated to share it. Would you say what is being shared is innately very trying? Ask yourself if you would feel obligated to share what you are now reading between the lines, what the author of this journal is sharing with you?

We will be called upon to redefine remembered symbols. We will be called upon to denounce any mask of artificial empowered right. No two people or even the agreements of the many can or should allow any joint agreement of any symbols to the serve as a tool of symbolic empowerment.

Human Slavery is now sanctioned by law for if the slave does not protest he is considered willingly compliant. It is the duty of the genesis few, the new chosen ones, who are the composers, the Avatars, to redefine the laws of the imposters. Wake up and support the little man’s new voice. The composer will lead us to genesis direct knowing. The imposters run the game of “do or-else” icon conversion processing. Feel it and use it, you are who you want to be once in being-ness and you never need any man to tell you otherwise. Declare it. The composers of the new genesis mind shall open the passive energy data stream of feeling direct knowing. They will easily reconfigure the slippery rules. No power on earth can stop the Universal Parallel of Consciousness opening before us if we all can seek that, share it and self-govern.

To self-govern is to ensure personal freedom at all times, nothing more. No more masked powered agents will stand and instigate the psychological wars that always become physical wars. Blame yourself first. Governments will be asked nicely, politely, with a billion strong standing together, to “get out of our way.” Militant force is already bankrupting the world’s families. The sincere hard working middle class and the product producing business people must think this through for they are the ones at risk. The legal burden is an expensive monkey on our back.

Learn how to read between the lines. Contracts are “on the line” binary all or nothing stricture involving social parts, political roles, authorized hats and lofty credentials for soul selling opportunities. Read between the lines. The brotherhood of the masked-robe jobs offer you the highly paid icon benevolence you always wanted where you can judge your fellow man’s intentions by the anti-social tags being placed on his symbolic person. You should be able to “just be.” What does that mean to the jargonized militant policeman when he is shackled to the derisive Omega’s iconic strain of plied suspicion? Do we have a clue what symbols make us do and make us pretend to be?

These mind tricking and genesis sabotaging extortionists have done enough metaphysical damage. With a united people’s voice we must declare it. When this happens we will make no more laws, instead we will have personal understanding and responsibility.

You must learn to be able to speak your child mind’s passive encoded energy data and be able to reciprocally hold your direct knowing ground which will further indicate that you are in Genesis knowing. That is a very pure form of biologically generated feeling, a gift you can open and easily use. The mover is the life energy composer in you.

The very special gifted composers will work with you and teach you to open and teach you what is necessary to maintain the passive openness. Do not be afraid. You do not have to. Imagine you can speak freely with no one to judge you by labels. You will be free to just be. All learning will emanate from your personal being-ness. You will be a ray of light in the darkness of symbolic society. You will be a glowing facet on a sunlit diamond.

When we all wake up there will be no more ears listening to provocations of official promise, no more hand held pieces of paper to make you think the only way to do anything is with an authorized artificial agreed contract. There will be no fines, taxes or penalties set upon your dreams. The human brain’s biological synthesis, the central voice, is data rich energy and moves us to safety and out of harm’s way. To destroy this genesis clarity leaves us totally vulnerable to the Omegas. They want us to be symbols, labels and paper entities and that is how they control the weak-minded.

Say it, fear is my friend and it will not be used by any man to make me bow before him. Say it again and again until your will and your mind are committed to your inner central voice that is anxiously waiting for you to open. Only then does icon reconciliation occur. Only then does the purge begin. Then, like magic you will awaken slowly to the many things that the Omega deceit hid from you because you did not have the eyes to see or the ears to hear.

The idea of a science is to study the making and the working of life elements. Why would we want to study how life works instead of just accepting it the way it is? The word science is taken from the Greek word: scire, to know. Later it became the word: scientia. Then if we go to the modern dictionary we find there are seven levels of the word knowing. Understand that the word: science, which is said to be a knowing of how things function or work must also provide the basis of the study in the first place. What is a knowing where one only knows what one is told to know? We teach compound errors. What we call our current knowing is all fragmented artificial parts [words] and our label implementations are bias predication which always ends in the same place, as some kind of authority, right or wrong. Once we say we know something, we lock down and end our curiosity. Blame for one end result and habitual processing. We teach it in our schools for a puppeteering of the masses. Synthetic knowing is an incremental rank and file act, a witless, mindless participatory stage play. Albert Einstein made the statement that the knowledge that should be will not come from the knowledge that is. Why? Because it is merely agreed labeling.

We, as composers of human genesis co-feeling will be called upon to re-define the rules of the symbols game. Can a defeated empowered symbol open to a passive existence? We can wake up, we will wake up and there are human beings ready for the aftermath of the psychotic confusion that will occur. Composers will not use man’s phony action reaction wedge of terminal rule compliant force. Everything is in place to handle the flood of emotion as people seek a genesis level of balance.

Fear created the altered state we all live in. Our bio-fear, unacknowledged, makes us vulnerable to man-made fear. Force is substantive. It is called intent-based tomorrow. There is no intent-based tomorrow if we’re in the exacting state of a perpetual now of genesis human feeling. The state of bio-genesis being will not allow empowered intentions. That means no idol worship. We live in a passive multiplicity data reserve composed of instantaneous life cause. Being-ness is self-care multiplied by 8 billion human beings. We are all moved to be, not to do, until the mover ceases to move us. In bio-stasis lock-down no one is going anywhere.

Where would doctors, authorized medicine, the forgery of legalism and religion, bad guy armies and fear-based police be without the job of “controlling tomorrow?”

What we call today, could never be controlled because we are already here. Here is there. Can your tomorrow change your today? Can your today change your tomorrow? Psychologically we are made to believe, to pretend en masse we are moving in a time encapsulated realm toward a better place where fear will not exist. We are deceived to our human core if we think that. Man did not make or invent fear but he plays with it like he did. That is the god-damning error of man.

If you take nothing else from these journals, take this. It cannot be accessed in a tomorrow. One can only feel bio-fear in the now! That is why Omega keeps you focused on Tomorrowland which is a controllable fantasy. Feeling Direct Knowing is current, it can only be accessed in the present moment. It keeps us one on one with life. It does not exist tomorrow and it did not exist yesterday.

So how does man get away with the living in two differential states of mind-doing and being? He cannot, and that is why we have thousands of credentialed forgeries called sociologists, psychologists and psychiatrists who are the mind warp specialists, always inventing new terms which they will agree upon with mutual iconic authority.

From a composer’s point of view, we need to see it all even if it hurts us, so we can have a good sense of what we need and what we can dispense with. Variance as promised 2,500 years ago was to ensure an independent choice without legal retribution. We must learn to speak with each other without the expectation of agreement.

The new movement will be clearly felt. It is open being-ness. It will be a quiet onset movement expanding in retrospect confidence, no agreements necessary. Be patient and be wise to the Omega’s cunning ways as they are opposed to change. They deal in overt strategy and underhanded tactics. If force is used their error is completed. As you awaken you will feel compelled to declare it and to share it. This is the new beginning you have waited for. It is yours. It is now.

Human kindness is not allowed by law. Ask any policeman who has monthly ticket quota to fill. Can we understand why Jesus was murdered for opening Pandora’s Box and exposing man’s sense deformity and his captivation by symbols? AI time was focused on the Christ because if they could kill him and get away with it they had absolute proof symbols backed by fear would rule the world. Does it? By destroying bio-human feeling genesis personified - the icon converts hold dominion over the earth. So what is this unending pain in our gut? What happened to all the human feeling placed beneath the systemic abstract evil and all the legal labels that govern a decision-less game enthralled society?

Our heartfelt connection with life, left in its natural state, is a nearly perfect biological genesis state when the prevailing conditions are not ruled by artificial time. People are beginning to wake up and there is more hardship to come. Legalism’s entire forgery of pretext is to make one fit the symbols box of material fear. Being afraid of being afraid is to not want to feel what is actually moving us and directly revealing to us what we must know.

Read More Like This in Guarded Hearts Vol II: The Abyss

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